Prosperity Ezine  December 2009

 Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.


 – Voltaire


Matrix Energetics      Holiday Special Price

Merges the science of subtle energy & quantum physics with the incredible power of our own focused intent to produce physical, verifiable, repeatable benefits. Anyone can learn to play with the Matrix Light Energy Field to make actual, observable, permanent changes instantly. Clear out the causes of all physical and emotional patterns. Matrix Energetics

Only $80 in December


      Keith Varnum

Lively Articles

Free at Last!

What is freedom? The ability to feel whatever you choose to feel. Alive. Loving. Healthy. Prosperous. Filled with Spirit! … The ability to do whatever you choose to do. Relax. Chill out. Play. … Play music. Play sports. Play with friends. Play with your pet. Play with your dreams. Would you like an extra 5 hours every day during which you can do anything you choose? During which no one will text you, taunt you, or torment you with “obligations?’ During which no one even knows that you’re awake and potentially available? More

Keith’s Adventure with Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics is radically different from any other transformational modality I’ve ever experienced. To me, it’s an absorption of a space. A sacred space of oneness, connection—and, therefore, a space of transformation and infinite possibility. I would say it’s an ultimate distillation of the same practices healers and shamans have been always employing. I’ve lived many years with many different shamans, medicine people and native healers—spending years absorbing firsthand the energy and magic of their transformative ways. Arising from the same spirit of all my spiritual teachers, I find Matrix Energetics is a more simple, quick, and profound approach. Plus it’s very easy and playful! More 

Are Your Beliefs Healing You?

Doctors have found that a patient can trigger self-healing by the mere belief that they will be cured. This is commonly called the placebo effect. Doctors are finding that many people manage to get cured when they are given fake medication, called placebos, that usually consist of nothing more than sugar pills or distilled water, and then told by their doctors that they were taking real medication. There is no explanation for why the placebo effect works, except that somehow, the patient’s belief that they are getting cured triggers some sort of self-healing ability within the patient. Dangerously, the opposite is also true: If you believe something is harmful to you, it tends to be. More


Fun Outdoor Adventures

Spend the Holidays in Warm Arizona!


Sedona Nature Adventure

Motel or camping. Easy walks along tree-shaded streams.

Jan 25-27, Feb 22-24
Mar 22-24, April 12-14, May 17-19

All signs and messages in Nature achieve 1 of 4 purposes:

  • Solve the challenges in your life
  • Awaken you to new creativity
  • Stir a sense of wonder
  • Guide you to purpose & passion

He turns not back who is bound to a star. – Leonardo da Vinci


Native Traditions of Sedona


Dec 14-16, Jan 18-20, Feb 15-17
Mar 8-10, April 5-7, May 3-5


Native peoples around the world are now revealing their secrets of creation, and how each person has the personal power to create a world of peace, health and happiness. Includes Matrix Energetics! Experience—not just read about—the profound healing energy of:


Sacred sites & Indian ruins
Ancient sounds and chants
Meeting your Spirit Animals

Medicine Wheels, Vortexes & Labyrinths


If you want to know something, go elsewhere.
If you want to un-know everything, then sit and listen.


– Adyashanti



Ancient & Magical Sedona


Customize to you!  
Create your own dates to fit your visit
Tailor ceremonies to suit your interests

A Soul Vacation with Heart & Purpose. People come from all over the world to Sedona to explore Sacred Sites—these profound Power Spots of earth’s magnetic magic.


 Quantum Shift


A Profound Experiential Workshop


Phoenix        Mar 12-14

Beloit WI       Mar  26-29

Milwaukee   Apr 16-19

Exciting description coming soon!


Life isn’t about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself.  – George Bernard Shaw


Life Coaching


FREE HALF HOUR Coaching with Keith. Develop the plans, strategies & approaches to increase your personal power & joy in everyday life. Keith is a powerful ally in your life journey. Your life can be as big, bold, and brilliant as you wish it to be! Featuring the magical power of Matrix Energetics.  800.736.7367  800.736.7367 [email protected]  More


Sound Healing


Using sound to transform lives is the cutting edge of holistic energy healing. Get a physical and emotional tune-up through the vibrational alchemy of antique Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gong, Drums and Native American Flutes. The magic of sound nudges you back to your natural whole state of health and happiness. Sound Healings by appt. in Phoenix & when workshop in your town. Free concerts in Phoenix & on Fri eve of workshops. More



Affordable Phoenix & Sedona workshops:


Low airfares
No car needed
Cheap lodging
Free camping



Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business, as if nothing had happened.   – Winston Churchill



SIGN UP for a Dream Workshop!


Be a Sponsor: Enjoy a free Dream Workshop



If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

– Marcel Proust



Sulana Stone, Life Coach & Animal Communicator

New, amazing approach with Matrix Energetics for improving your life in any area: relationships, career, finances & health.  Find out how to Live Your Dream—NOW—every day! Discover fun, easy ways to be happier & healthier! World-wide by phone. In Phoenix phone or in person. Open to miracles. Feel better immediately! HOLIDAY SPECIAL: $60 sessions in December!
[email protected] or  602.992.1538  602.992.1538


Dynamic CD’s

ORDER CDs NOW  $9.95

Get the Job Your Soul Wants Your spirit has great plans for you this lifetime! Want to know what they are? 

Attract Your Soulmate Discover how to profit from knowing that you are always "dating yourself."

You Can Talk to Spirit Guides Free yourself to speak with the many beings in so-called "other dimensions" that are around you all the time!

Awaken Your Abundance You deserve to be rich—in material abundance, spiritual prosperity and social fulfillment. It is your natural state.

Dream Tools 5 extremely effective, experiential guided meditative processes from The Dream Workshops that empower you to connect with your intuitive core self, remove limiting blocks and create your heart’s desires.

FREE Prosperity CD Reclaim your power to have the love, health and livelihood that makes your soul zing! This guided Prosperity Process has helped 1,000’s of people create the life they want.


When you’re green, you’re growing. – Ray Kroc

Heart Opening Books

The Dream Made Real This book is about you! Your aspirations. Your longings. Your dream. And it’s about making your dream real, actual, tangible, touchable. $14.95 

Inner Coach: Outer Power You possess amazing creative powers to heal your body, expand your love and attract phenomenal abundance! And you have a built-in, inner guidance system to unlock your natural gifts with ease and wisdom. $16.95

Living the Dream This is a journey to the deepest level of knowing, a journey into a world that will shake the paradigms of mainstream thought. This is where magic happens and you can be a part of it. You can live there! $12.95

ORDER BOOKS NOW Now, at last, you can see great movies that will warm your heart, expand your mind, and stir your soul—without ever leaving your home!


January Ezine


Better keep yourself clean and bright.  You are the window through which you must see the world.

– George Bernard Shaw