Intentional Magic!

Master Easy, Joyous Creation

Make your Connection to God an every moment experience!

New playshop by Keith Varnum

Reap the benefits of Keith’s recent discoveries of how to easily shift your life.

 Recently unveiled techniques dissolve your blocks to prosperity and well-being.

An Invitation to Embrace Miracles!

Learn efficient tools you can use everyday to feel better fast!

Activate your Natural Spiritual Powers with fun and effective Shaman games

Newly released secrets of the Ascended Masters permanently raise your vibration

 Find your Key to Inner Happiness

You discover how to:

Manifest through Frequency Resonance

Remove the walls that imprison your Heart

Invoke the Waterfall of Light to optimize your well-being

Raise your Attractor Factor in an instant

 Weave a new Web of Ease

You learn to:

Take a Light Bath for effective auric cleansing

Recharge your aura to keep your vibration high all day

Harness Universal Supply to unleash your highest potential

Anchor in the radiant magnificent being you really are!

Move into harmony with your Perfect Partner

Cross the bridge to an abundant Parallel Universe

Learn the Alchemy of St. Germain


Open the door to New Fun Opportunity

 Hold your destiny in your own hands


Release your Unconscious Limiting Beliefs


Let in the Joy of Co-creation

Clear & recharge your Energy Pathways


Become like a child & enter the Kingdom of Heaven


Align with Your Original Vision for Your Life

Play Outside the Box

 Dream the Possible Dream

Learn to say “YES” to Your Magnificence

Master the focus of your Creating Attention


Please feel free to call or email Keith at:

800.736.7367  or [email protected]