How to Open a Portal Anywhere
Get What You Want in Life through
The Magic of Conscious Gateway Creation
Unlike anything you’ve ever done before!
A portal is the deliberate creation of a gateway (channel, opening, opportunity or breakthrough) to go from where you are to where you want to be in:
- Business
- Love
- Spirit
- Body
- Well-being
- Play
For eons, ancient and native peoples have used portals to:
- travel through space (teleportation, bilocation)
- time (condensing, expanding, stopping time)
- dimensions (astral projection)
- communication (understanding)
- psychology (realization)
- spirituality (enlightenment)
Practice effective, time-proven methods from ancient and tribal traditions:
- active movements – to move between physical, emotional and spiritual states
- meditations – to shift between states of consciousness
- star gates – to travel between dimensions
Learn the EXACT TECHNOLOGY of how to:
- Deliberately create a portal
- Recognize when you have opened a door
- Go through it – take appropriate action
Benefits of Portal Technology:
- Effect permanent change
- Transform relationships
- Get co-operation of bureaucracies, your boss, employees and family
- Harmony in arguments and conflicts
Use the Portals of: To Connect with the Power and Wisdom:
Intention Choice, flexibility and sovereignty
Senses Beauty, sensuality and your natural ecstasy
Sound Vibrational healing, expansion and enjoyment
Sacred Places Medicine men/women, your ancestors and Spirit
Silence Serenity, balance and merging with the divine
Singing Authentic expression, communication and liberation
Movement Physical freedom, fluidity and radiant vitality
Touch Your body, Nature and direct transmission of love
Devotion Ritual, ceremony and heart
Nature Adventure, excitement and universal support
Meditation Soul retrieval, soul travel and soul freedom
Color Activation, aliveness, and re-vitalization
Intimacy Innocence, openness and safe vulnerability
Truth-telling Passion, alchemy and grace
Music/Art Inspiration, creativity and unbridled joy
Time Ancestors, past lives and your Future Self
Vortexes Spirit beings, ET’s and Native American shamans
Play Laughter, humor and spontaneity
Feng-shui Power spots, intuitive timing and right use of will
Food Instant energy, sensuality and health
Symbols Mandalas, hieroglyphs and coded cues
Surrender Abandonment and the divine state of Hootlessness
Divine Intervention Angels, nature spirits and Ascended Masters
Out-of-Body Experience Inter-dimensional travel and freedom
Breath Transformation, grounding and centering
Story Telling Remembering Who You Really Are