The Dream Workshops

Practical, Playful, Powerful!

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Ancient Magical Sedona

Personalized mystical explorations. Soul vacations with heart & purpose. Create your own dates to fit your visit. Tailor ceremonies to suit your interests. People come from all over the world to Sedona to explore Sacred Sites—these profound Power Spots of earth’s magnetic magic. Learn about the living spiritual forces of Sacred Spaces. These forces are about who you are and could be. It’s the only destination that matters—the healthiest, happiest you! In the Red Rock splendor of Sedona, ancient gorges offer cool streams, activating waterfalls, towering cliffs and lush meadows. Stir a sense of wonder about the world around you. Awaken and quicken to new potentials and creativity. The adventure that will change your life!

Ask for What You Want

Is your life falling short of your goals? Tear down the barriers between what your heart longs for and what you’re afraid to ask for. Awaken the courage to be yourself. Break free of the entanglements that crush your spirit. Develop a livelihood that reflects your unique talents and delights. Travel your own unique path to happiness.

Awaken Your Natural Abundance

Abundance is your birthright! Your natural inheritance! You deserve to be rich! . . . in material abundance, spiritual prosperity and social fulfillment. Learn how to crack open the vault of Universal Supply, not only in your financial universe, but also in your world of health, happiness and love. Assume command of the unlimited natural vital flow within yourself. Gather the power to fund your own Dream and have plenty left over for family, friends—and fun!

Be a Miracle Maker

Create the conditions, environment, atmosphere and attitude that make miracles a thousand times more likely to occur. Heal relationships, bodies, finances and more!

Corporate Adventure Training

An outdoor experiential training for businesses that creates lasting improvements in individual and team performance and the company bottom line. Unique in bridging the gap between personal and company vision. Inspires innovation and peak performance in your team.

Crack the Code

Trigger a shift in your awareness through being exposed to special symbols, shapes, sounds, secrets and stories that were encoded long-ago with the power to automatically trigger now a direct knowing of your true spiritual purpose on Earth—and to re-activate your natural spiritual abilities.

Facilitator Training

Whether you want to communicate more effectively for personal or professional reasons, the easy, dependable tools of this training empower you to effectively facilitate any creation you undertake. Gain the skills for a successful, professional career in workshop development and facilitation—as well as in all forms of communication and leadership. Learn the secrets of motivating groups, teaching people, conducting meetings and succeeding in any area of public speaking and presentation.

Feng-shui Your Life

Create the space for fresh, new energy and ideas to blossom in your private and professional life. In-depth exploration of how your home, work and play environments deeply affect your relationships, romance, health and prosperity.

Find Your Passion

A magical workshop that celebrates life! Find a livelihood that reflects your unique passions. Find your creative place on the planet. Find your home within yourself. Find the love, money and health you deserve!

Freedom Now

Are you settling for less than what you really want in life? Freedom Now! is a fun, interactive workshop that shows you how to create the life you always wanted and never believed you could have. Personal Freedom is having a real choice about what beliefs, and therefore realities, you choose to create in your personal world—regarding abundance, relationships, vitality and Spirit. You have options! You can opt out of mass consciousness beliefs and realities that don’t serve your aliveness. You can opt into individual beliefs and realities that do serve your joy. You know for certain you are a free being when you generate your own energy, love, power, health, wisdom, clarity, security, peace and fulfillment on a daily basis.

Get the Job Your Soul Wants

Make a great living doing what you love! Restore your natural ability to recognize the people, opportunities, resources and activities that will lead to a soul-satisfying livelihood.

Grab Your Rainbow

Why some people make the leap to Having It All–and others don’t. As a kid, you dreamed of having exciting, soul-inspired adventures. We’ll help you to remember what you REALLY want to do when you grow up. It’s never too late. We’ll support you in taking the steps to make your dreams come true.

How to Open a Portal

Create your own openings and opportunities to take you from where you are to where you want to be—in business, spirit, body, well-being, love and play. Learn how to recognize gateways, how to go through and what to do to keep your momentum going.

Inner Coach: Outer Power

Access the wisdom and magic of your intuition—your “Inner Coach.” Remember how to use your “Outer Power” to heal spontaneously, talk to spirit guides, travel in your subtle body, master multisensory perception and more!

Live Your Dream

A unique workshop designed to skyrocket the level of love, joy, money and vitality in your life! Keith shares his latest discoveries on how to increase your creativity, intimacy and prosperity. A new, powerful approach to dissolving ancient karmic emotional blocks to your happiness and health. Outrageously effective tools to build your dream. The new Basic Course of the Live Your Dreams Workshops.

The Miracle Training

Learn to create the conditions, environment & attitude that make Miracles a thousand times more likely to occur. This new, ground-breaking Spiritual Awakening Process was just revealed in the Great Hall of Records in the Grand Teton Mountains to Keith Varnum by the Ascended Masters of the Planetary Hierarchy—Jesus, St. Germain, Buddha, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Sai Baba, the Nameless Ones, & others.

Native Traditions of Sedona

An ancient way for happiness today! Time-proven tools to attract love, health and wealth. Native Traditions applies traditional spiritual teaching to everyday modern challenges—inspiring you to live in harmony and cooperation with natural and celestial forces. Native peoples used simple, powerful traditions to stay happy and healthy—and flow easily through life transitions and challenges. Native Traditions teaches you how to get full benefit from Sacred Sites—and how to activate these vital energies back home. Embark on a rewarding adventure that merges myth, mirth, meditation, native medicine, and Mother Earth. Connect to the Great Spirit. Use the earth energies for personal transformation. Gain clarity of purpose, power and passion. See your life clearly, face fears, let go of the past, and find a guiding vision for your future. Release outmoded ways of being and open to new beginnings. Allow the land to gift you with peace, empowerment, emotional release and joy! Get answers through Native American Ceremonies: Do Medicine Wheel. Build Ancestral Altar. Make your personal Medicine Pouch. Meet your Spirit Animals. Become a Sacred Earth Walker. Explore Sacred Sites: vortexes, labyrinths, Indian ruins, cliff dwellings, rock art. Short, easy walks. Attend as 1, 2 or 3 day event.

Open the 7 Seals of Prosperity

Drawing from secret traditions of Taoist Esoteric Yoga, the Hopi Medicine Wheel, Hawaiian Huna, and Tibetan Wisdom, the workshop activates your natural energy centers to produce permanent prosperity. The key to the course’s potency is the demonstrating and using of the tools during the course so these prosperity practices become a natural, integrated part of your life. The playshop is experiential, not simply intellectual. It’s a heart trip, not just a head trip. The seminar is filled with world lessons, not merely word lessons. The changes are cellular, not superficial. You transform your being, not just your beliefs!

Outrageous Abundance

True abundance goes far beyond the art of sourcing money. We usually consider abundance to be material wealth. Yes, and it also means emotional well-being and spiritual fulfillment. And the ability to fully experience—and share—love and joy. True fortune is the art of knowing how to live.Keith Varnum has spent 40 years mastering ancient and modern techniques for increasing prosperity through increasing your Personal Vibration and Creative Power.

Personal Workshops

In Sedona or Phoenix: 1, 2 or 3 days.

You choose topic & date. Affordable. Flexible. Freeing!

Design your own workshop. Decide your own date. Do your destiny!

For more details, call Keith at 800.736.7367.

See workshop choices on this page.Click here for more choices of topics

Re-Vision Your World

Learn how to free yourself from the limitations of time, sleep, food, money, scarcity, struggle, disease and death. Challenge your deepest-held, unconscious convictions about who you are. Co-create a new vision of yourself and your society that is more creative and compassionate.

Secrets of Living in The Zone

In one heaven-of-a-weekend, Keith shares the secrets he’s learned about living in The Zone from ancient traditions, native peoples and Nature. The workshop’s proven techniques help you to open the portal to Magic Flow—and keep the door open!

Sedona Nature Adventure

A spectacular outdoor vision quest where you employ the physical universe as an accurate, liberating reflection of your own consciousness. Double your chances of getting the message from Spirit by reading the outer signs from your inner guidance. Transform lessons absorbed in wild spaces into concrete results in the urban canyons back home in order to enrich your work, relationships, health and finances. Learn to use Nature to create the love your heart longs for, a job with soul and passion, recharged vitality and health, the courage to find life purpose, renewed personal creativity, and the clarity to make wise life choices. Easy walking along tree-shaded streams in 3 magical canyons, motel or camping at night.

Synchronicity: How Spirit Talks to You

Navigate successfully through your life choices using the precise guidance system of signs and synchronicity. Increase the number of fulfilling life opportunities by improving the accuracy of your interpretations of the loving messages Spirit gives us constantly.

The Sovereign Self

In ‘The Sovereign Self’ Workshop, you learn how to generate your own power, approval, health, clarity, security and peace—rather than seeking these qualities from outside sources. Sovereignty is knowing that you are the ultimate source of every experience you have in your life.

Unlock Your Source Code

Your Source Code is the way you manifest your intentions from Creation Consciousness when you do, in fact, successfully manifest your dreams in life. Each person’s Source Code is unique. There are similarities between different people’s Source Codes, but the secret to success is to discover the key characteristics of your own individual Source Code. These characteristics of your Source Code show up in the energetic patterns behind-the-scenes of your everyday life. A great benefit of this workshop is the discovery of your own personal knack of creation. Once you become aware of your knack, you can use it to successfully make your dreams come true. If you know where to look for your Source Code, you’ll find it.

Vibrational Abundance

Vibrational Abundance is having what you choose in life! Powerful tools are shared to raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration, you attract fun, easy abundance. Keith Varnum has spent 40 years mastering ancient and modern techniques for increasing prosperity through increasing your Personal Vibration. True abundance goes far beyond the art of sourcing money. We usually consider abundance to be material wealth. Yes, and it also means emotional well-being and spiritual fulfillment. And the ability to fully experience—and share—love and joy. True fortune is the art of knowing how to live.

The 3 Pillars Of Power

A pillar of power is an energetic support system, a vortex of spiral energy giving life and strength to our creations. These pillars of dancing energy act as magnets—attracting the people, resources and opportunities that make our dreams come true. Passion, Clarity and Self Love are the keystones of a solid Temple of Abundance. Excitement, Discernment and Self Appreciation are the granite pillars of a successful life adventure. New and ancient tools are presented to create permanent wealth, health and happiness.

Way of the Wizard

This Magicshop emphasizes the practical, experiential demonstration of how to effect extraordinary outcomes, rather than theoretical understanding. You learn how to do, not explain! Along the way, you begin to appreciate the power of aligning your intentions with Universal Design. You learn to create with less effort and be more effective at whatever you do. Learn how to flow with Life Force Energy to bring forth the best from yourself and others and contribute to the world community. Work with less effort and be more effective at whatever you do. The stuff of magic and miracles!

You Are The Dream Catcher

A fresh new way to attract Love, Health & Abundance. A Dream Catcher is who you really are. Use the ancient power of The Dream Catcher to create your perfect relationship, body and career. Learn how to weave a web that brings all your heart’s desires—and catches your life purpose and passion. Native American shamans reveal to Keith the secret of The Dream Catcher as a tool to attract beauty, love and prosperity into your life. Keith shares this potent, hidden, esoteric Native American, Hawaiian Huna, Tibetan and Taoist tradition. In this workshop, you transmute yourself into a Dream Catcher—and you make our own physical Dream Catcher. You dream, design and construct your Dream Catcher with the intention of “catching” what you really want in your life. As you catch “Bright Energies” – love, health, happiness, peace, joy, wealth – you’ll weave these Energies into your personal Dream Catcher—and into your everyday life.

Your Heroic Journey

Does your life have heart? Does your life have soul? “Heart and soul I fell in love with you!” as the old song goes. Your Heroic Journey is something you could fall in love with! Discover the Epic Journey you are actually already on this lifetime. … the extraordinary quest that lies right beneath the surface of ordinary life. … the most excellent adventure behind the scenes of everyday survival.


Forever Young

Learn the secrets of health and longevity. Get more fun, energy and joy out of every day that you’re alive. Get back in touch with the excitement and happy expectation you once had as a youth. Benefit from this unique combination of modern medical science and ancient energetic medicine.

The Power of the Feminine

Explore the true nature of Intuition. Learn to use the power of your natural inner guidance system of Nurturing, Receiving and Allowing to bring healing and harmony to your life, family, work and community.

Sacred Intimacy

Sacred Intimacy is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, the body and the soul, Earth and Heaven. This cosmic causeway has been used by every ancient and indigenous culture to carry people across the illusionary gulf of separation and duality into unity and wholeness. The knowledge of exactly how to use this ancient pathway lies dormant within each of us, encoded in our cellular memory, ready to be reawakened through the sacred act of intention. Learn how people, plants, animals, sights, scents, sounds, tastes and touch can liberate the power of your Creative Life Energy and trigger spiritual opening and natural powers. Use your senses to receive guidance and healing.

Shaman as Everyday Healer

Learn the art of shamanism as a healer of relationships—between mind and body, between people, between people and circumstances, between humans and nature, and between matter and spirit. Very practical and powerful.


Activate Your Ascension Now!

This sacred workshop is a hands-on experiential self-empowerment and transformation process that expands your consciousness by applying Universal Laws with activation of your body, mind and soul connection. The process releases your negative energies and fear-based issues, boosts your positive energies, opens your heart to express and receive love, develops your intuitive senses, and raises your vibrations and frequency to a higher state. Discover the value and power of self-love, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and being in a joyful state. Experience your heart opening, receive and express more love.

Attract Your Soulmate

Attract your perfect partner for passion, play or profession! Relationships become a fun, fulfilling, spiritual path mirroring your own relationship to the Infinite.

The Awakening

View and design your life from the wise and eternal perspective of your spirit. Reclaim wholeness, meaning and deep joy as you gain freedom from old limitations and habits.

How to Experience God

This dynamic workshop offers easy, dependable skills to empower you to connect—and stay connected—to Source. When you have an ongoing direct experience of God, you have a ready answer to all life’s challenges. You can get accurate answers to any life question, complete healing for any physical ailment, and lasting peace in any life dilemma. You don’t have to settle for theories, affirmations, or hopin’ and wishin’ You have a direct line to direct knowing. Participants anchor in a real model of themselves being permanently connected to God. These ancient tools assist you to create what you want in the realm of finances, love, health, community and spirit.

The Last Judgment Workshop

The true “Last Judgment” is the day you last judge yourself! … And anyone or anything else. This is the “Day of Judgment” heralded by the great spiritual teachers throughout the ages This is the actual “End of Days” — the End of the Days of living in judgment. What would your life be like without judgment? You’ll experience the answer as you enter the Paradise of the Present Moment.

The Truth Seminar

Gracefully resolve deep, important life issues by learning to speak clearly and simply from the heart. Confront and conquer the fears, lies and limitations that keep you from real health, happiness and harmony.

Transform Your Akashic Records

Creatively move up the timing of your life “lessons.” Free yourself of karma, trauma and drama. Clarify why you’re really here and what your true abilities are.

Unlock Your Soul Code

Decipher your Soul Code to reveal a long-hidden path to personal enlightenment and happiness. Get answers to: What’s the point of my life? Where do I fit in? How can my life be easier and more fun? Unleash tremendous clarity and successful action.

Hear Keith talk about “Miracles” on radio show Ask THEO Live


For even more Workshop Choices, see Topics We Explore

Be a sponsor to bring any of these workshops to your home town