Master the Creation Game


Learn playful ways to create the life you really want

With Keith Varnum

Watch brief video about playshop

Phoenix May 18

3 Days of Power, Passion & Purpose


Saturday: Abundance is Yours!

Sunday: Sacred Intimacy

Monday: Soul Travel


Attend for 1, 2 or 3 days

Indoor & Outdoor Fun


Click here for 1-day playshop in Phoenix  May 18 Sat


Practical Tools

Timeless Wisdom

The Latest Scientific Research


We’re playing a game on Earth. The Game of Life! You can be the master or the follower in this sport. The victor or the victim. The creator or the creation. I share 1001 ways to play this Earth Game as a Heartful Master!

This playshop offers easy skills to stay connected to Infinite Source. The Shaman of the world practice very effective ways to open to a direct experience of this Creative Self.


By doing interactive exercises with other people and the outside natural environment, we combine modern transformational skills with time-proven practices of indigenous and ancient peoples. Together we re-claim the power to manifest the lives we desire. Each day you’ll create a Personal Action Plan so you go home with the means to create what you want.

Through guided Soul Travel and Sacred Intimacy, you’ll realize your unique role in this glorious Personal and Planetary Awakening. Tibetan bowls, Chinese gong, Native American flutes, drums and crystal bowls will vibrate you through a conscious gateway to Harmony and Oneness.


This dynamic playshop will entertain you, challenge you & transform you forever!


What are you waiting for? If not now, when?


What if life can be really fun again?


Are you on board?







Abundance is Yours!


Connect to the space where prosperity lives & bring it home


Master the Power of Intentional Magic

Make Change Your Best Friend

The Dawn of a New You

Passion is Power!


What if manifesting desires is really simpler than you thought, are you open to it?


If you are actually more powerful than you could ever imagine, will you own that?


Are you open to the probability that miracles can be commonplace for you?


You’ll learn how to:


Say YES to Your Essence Self

Draw money to you more easily

                              Lose your money woes once & for all

                              Express yourSelf with greater creativity

Reach success, freedom & peace


You’ll practice how to:


Become a Master Transformer

Use the Secret Words of Power

Explode the paradigm of False Limits

Crack the Belief Barrier to create miracles

Attract a livelihood that expresses your Genuine Self


You’ll take home:


A shift to clarity & choice

An ability to “see” in new, helpful ways

A practical appreciation of your special talents

A fresh attitude of lightness & innovation




Sacred Intimacy


Open to Universal Love, Health & Harmony



Embody a Sacred Connection to Mother Earth

The New Paradigm of Vibrational Awakening

A Return to the Wisdom of the Heart

The Power of Yes!


Above all, we want to feel good. When we’re in the vibration of feeling good, we attract more of the same good vibration. I share new and ancient ways to stay in the frequency of feeling good all day every day!


When we’re having fun—feeling good—we naturally attract support, resources and opportunities. Call it charisma, personal power or the Law of Attraction. It’s the physics of fun. Having fun naturally leads to good fortune—especially when it’s your conscious intention!


Here’s the opportunity of a lifetime to transform your level of energy—and reshape your body, mind, emotions and spirit! Bring joy, clarity and peace into your life.


When you make the two into one, when you make the inner as the outer and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one so the male shall not be male and the female shall not be female—then you will enter Heaven.  – Jesus


 Are you open to the possibility that it’s easy to stay in a space of peace, love & joy?


If love can come more easily than ever before, are you available for it?


What if you could have all the energy you want?


What if you could feel and look young again?



You’ll learn how to:


Say YES to Your Ecstatic Self

Practice Alchemical Healing

Awaken the Kundalini Energy Body
Dissolve limited beliefs that keep you from love

Embody the Sacred Masculine & Feminine

Create with the Sacred Sounds of the Open Heart


You’ll discover how to:


Bring harmony to any situation

Recover the excitement you had as a kid

Create more alive relationships

Be more connected & centered

Feel & look younger from the inside out


You’ll go home with:


Greater vitality & health

A playful life that’s more fun

Improved relations with boss, peers & clients at work

Deeper connections with family & friends at home

Your Personal Action List to create more abundance





Soul Travel


Gain the Wisdom from your Soul’s other lives 




Expand your Spiritual Powers by exploring other lifetimes

  Re-tell your story to change your world

  Escape the Wheel of Forgetfulness  

Integrate Lost Aspects of your Soul

Master Multi-sensory Perception


We’re now entering a New Era that’s been prophesized for millennia. The Hopi, Mayan and Tibetan Elders prophesy that this time now is a time of joyous transition from an old Age of effort and struggle into a New World of easy supply. New energies are bathing the Earth—fresh, playful and uplifting ways to create our heartfelt desires.


I will present the Hopi Prophecy as a practical guide to creating the life of your choice. A Hopi Elder personally taught me this 40,000 year-old wisdom in 1971 right after he presented it to the U.S. Congress!


If all your soul’s karma could be resolved in a mille-second, would you allow it?


What if you are the wise wizard in all the fairytales?


You’ll learn how to:


Say YES to Your Eternal Self

Learn Telepathic Communication

Get messages from your Council of Elders

Wake from the Trance of Forgetfulness

Tap the Sacred Knowledge of your Ancestors

Create with the Power of Fun


You’ll practice how to:


Access the Akashic Realms

Consult with Angelic Advice

Clear emotions that are keeping you blocked

Claim the power to stand in your personal truth

Enhance your ability to act on internal guidance

Remember why you chose to be on Earth


You’ll take home tools to:


Escape the Prison of the Past

Lift all the Veils of Forgetfulness

Create with the Infinite Depth of your Soul

Maintain a direct connection with Spiritual Source



Phoenix May 18


 $100/day if pay 1 week ahead

$125/day thereafter



BONUS: Starting the day you sign up for the playshop, Keith will work with your Soul every evening up until the playshop, preparing you to receive the greatest benefit from the seminar.

Your Guide

Keith Varnum

After healing himself of blindness, Keith spent years living with some of the world’s most powerful Shamanic teachers. He found that by applying the wisdom they taught him, he could transform any area of life—from health and relationships to money and career. He also learned how to “attract” miracles! Keith shares from his 40 years experience as a healer, coach, author, filmmaker, radio host, business entrepreneur, Sedona Vision Quest guide, and Matrix Energetics Certified Practitioner what he learned that has revitalized his life—and can do the same for you!



Some things are too important to be taken seriously.  – Willie Nelson

Please feel free to call or email Keith at:

800.736.7367  or [email protected]