Passion, Play & the Power of Possibility 

A Fun, New Playshop with Keith Varnum



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   Passion & the Return of the Heart Dragon

Laughter, Love & the Way Home






To the open-hearted person, dragons represent the Forces of Nature


Expand your creative powers by drawing on the Dragons of Love, Growth & Play


    You discover how to:


Choose the Hero’s Path

    Embrace the Gift of Grace
Heal & re-vitalize your body

 Tap the Wizard’s Key to Happiness
Regain boundless energy & excitement




The Prosperity of Play


How to Connect with the Angel of Grace


There is an Angel to assist with every human desire & need


Tap into the Angel Fields of Energy to bring abundance & ease to every aspect of your life


  You learn how to:



Harness Universal Supply

 Awaken to the Angelic Realms
Transform everyday challenges with ease
Feel peace & contentment in all situations



The Power of Possibility

Shapeshifting: the Ultimate Magic



At the drop of a hat (your old hat) enter the world of magical probability


Play in the flexible, fluid space of child-like wonder & manifestation

You learn how to create:


A miracle-friendly lifestyle


A job with soul & passion

Your life as a joyous adventure
Exciting, genuine relationships


If you were free to create anything you desire,

what would your life be like?







Click for PHOENIX

800.736.7367  or  [email protected]