Shaman as Everyday Healer

A Fresh Way to Transform Your World

Learn by Doing – Practice not Theory

The shaman is a conscious director of the energy flow between every element in life—other people, trees, rocks, mountains, stars and angels. The shaman relates to the entire world as being alive, filled with mystery, power and conscious energy, always communicating something of value to us. Shamanism is a results-oriented spiritual practice dating back over 40,000 years. The nature of shamanism is such that while you are healing others, you are healing yourself, and while you are transforming the planet, you are transforming yourself. Shamanism is:

  • medicine of the soul, for the soul
  • a perspective—a way of seeing all things as sacred
  • permanent, multi-dimensional change on all levels simultaneously: cellular, psychological and social
  • down-to-earth, practical skills that are very easy to learn and apply to all aspect of life

A shaman is a healer of relationships, between mind and body, between people, between people and circumstances, between humans and nature and between matter and spirit. As the shamanic approach addresses the wounds of the soul directly, it is a very powerful tool within our contemporary society for healing depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, abuse, addictions, physical ailments, career questions and blocked creativity. Shamanism:

  • opens the door to find the easiest, most practical, doable way to deal with any situation
  • liberates people to see new possibilities and options for dealing with modern daily challenges
  • brings back the missing keys of power to unlock our full potential and health
  • re-seeds a renewed sense of peace, well-being and wholeness

Master the Practice of:

De-Patterning – transforming the weight of judging into the lightness of conscious noticing

  • Take off automatic your normal, knee-jerk responses and perceptions to allow fresh, new outcomes
  • Undo old routines and habits of thinking, perceiving and responding to life that no longer serve you
  • Generate fresh approaches, solve problems and make wiser decisions
  • Liberate enormous amounts of energy to create better relationships and finances
  • Heal chronic physical and emotional ailments

Soul Retrieval – freeing your spirit and aliveness from traumatizing disappointments from the past

  • Deepen your bond with your spiritual source
  • Discover your soul purpose and reclaim your power from everything that’s ever happened to you
  • Reclaim your passion to enjoy your life

Choosing Innocence – choosing to be free of preconceptions, prejudices and the past

  • Uncover fresh options, alternatives and possibilities in any situation, professional or personal
  • Approach problems with a spirit of curiosity and innovation
  • Burst narrow, old, dead perspectives
  • Search for a new way to view the problem, instead of for a solution

Invoking Ancestors – conscious dialogue with soul friends in other dimensions

  • Open the door to the wisdom of your past lives and the knowing of your Future Self
  • Bring in the assistance of Ascended Masters, angels and nature spirits

Freeze Framing – Pausing the action of people and events in the world

  • Suspend the interaction in a discussion, argument or meeting while you recoup your clarity
  • Master the use of time in a creative and conscious manner to facilitate any situation

Choosing Innocence – choosing to be free of preconceptions, prejudices and the past

  • Uncover fresh options, alternatives and possibilities in any situation, professional or personal
  • Approach problems with a spirit of curiosity and innovation
  • Burst narrow, old, dead perspectives
  • Search for a new way to view the problem, instead of for a solution

Touching the World Lightly – only engage the Illusion (world) to the degree neeeded to accomplish your goal

  • Be inaccessible to those people and situations that are not nurturing for you
  • Develop your ability to hear, trust and act on internal guidance instead of external stimuli

Shamanic Feng-Shui – the art of guiding the flow of energy and events in your life

  • Steering change to your advantage
  • Manage and accurately predict the fluctuations of the contemporary world.
  • “See” the flow of energy in a family discussion or business meeting
  • Unblock obstructions and inefficiencies in your personal and professional life

Acupressure Self-Massage – from the wisdom of Oriental Medicine and native, tribal traditions

  • Activate energetic movement throughout your body, emotions and spirit
  • Enjoy increased vitality, balance, grounding, relaxation and, thus, creatvity

Freeze Framing – Pausing the action of people and events in the world while you recoup your clarity

Stopping Mind Talk – stopping the noise of the ego enables you to access your inner guidance

Controlled Folly – activate the miracles of humor, laughter, play, spontaneity and serendipity

Impeccability – absolute integrity in following the guidance of Spirit and standing in your truth

Dropping Self-defining Limits – uncovering the unique talents hidden behind your old self-image

Anchoring – uniting with the life force of Earth to build balance and decrease sickness and accidents

Shapeshifting – tapping the unique knowledge of each life form: animal, bird, insect, plant, rock

Re-Scheduling – changing the timetable for events in your soul plan to manifest abundance now

Recognizing Power Spots – coming from the right space with the right action at the right time

Fluidity – developing flexibility and improvising skills to work and play with all kinds of people – developing flexibility and improvising skills to work and play with all kinds of people

Discernment – “seeing” what is really going on, responding intuitively to the present, instead of reacting emotionally to the past