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              Look for a Crack in the Matrix!

To transform any situation in your life:

1. Look for a “crack in the world.” Any occurrence that is new, different, strange, weird or unusual. Anything out of sequence, out of order, or out of the ordinary. Deliberately search out any anomaly, aberration or variation from the norm.

2. Realize that this anomaly—crack in your usual world—is a gateway (portal) into a more expanded realm of possibility.

3. Call upon this gateway experience (vibration) to shift you (your vibration) within the current challenging situation. Invoke (bring in) this portal vibration until your feelings about the challenge shift—or the situation itself changes!

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Communications Matrix Energetics
Life Coaching

Recharge your health
Replenish your wealth
Discover your passion
Expand your power

Communications Explore Red Rocks of Sedona Canyons

Pick your dates
Customized activities Sacred Indian ruins
Flute, song & drum Easy walks & springs

Communications Transforming Video
44 Fun Quick Shift Flix
Helpful Tools for: Loving Relationships
Manifesting Prosperity
Revitalizing the Body

April 11-13 CHICAGO
April 25-27 MILWAUKEE

Who Says Life Can’t Be Easy?
Fun Shui Your Life to Abundance!

Awaken Your Life Purpose
Energize Your Body
Attract Your Perfect Partner
Maximize Your Money
Develop Your Spiritual Abilities

MILWAUKEE Workshop needs Home

Exchange your house for a complimentary spot on the APRIL Dream Workshop!

6 people already enrolled to play for Fri eve, Sat & Sun weekend at your house!

Contact Keith for details: 800.736.7367

Read: The Strange Case of the Subway Violinist!

The Washington Post sponsored a revealing social experiment about perception, taste and priorities of people. The questions posed were: In a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour:

1. Do we perceive beauty?
2. Do we stop to appreciate it?
3. Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?   800.736.7367   [email protected]